Saturday, 23 June 2012

Turning Debate into Data

One of the difficulties of any debate is how to extract the pertinent points. Interactive Democracy provides a system that can turn debate into data for analysis in many different ways. It does this by allowing people to vote point by point, question by question and on what type of evidence is being presented, from Heresay to Good Quality Empirical. Furthermore, the identity of voters, though hidden from public view, can include their age, location and qualifications.
These classifications allow users, including journalists and politicians, to analyse the debate in all sorts of different ways. It will enable better questions and summaries from journalists, new points from commentators, more focused campaigns from politicians and better law formulation from the legislature.

1 comment:

Shaun Beaumont said...

This is what we must leverage for our project: "Interactive Democracy Website Example"

Using data to break debate down methodically point by point and making sure data is verified is not only possible with ID but practical.

It is just the matter of people getting together to work out the design aspects of such a powerful idea to bring these possibilities to life.

This blogs contributions to our wonderful project make sure we do not veer too far off track.

Great Post!